A Picture of Intercession

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. You are to say everything I command you, and your brother Aaron is to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go out of his country’… Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord commanded them” (Ex. 7:1-6).

Most of us are familiar with the story of Moses and how God called him to return to Egypt to deliver Israel out of Egyptian bondage. We know about Pharaoh refusing to let Israel go, about the 10 plagues God sent upon Egypt so they would know He is the LORD, about the blood of a lamb being placed on the doorposts and lintel to save the firstborn from death, and about the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. Yes, most of us are very familiar with the story of the Exodus.

However, one day recently while I was in prayer, my mind returned to the Exodus narrative, and I made some new observations I would like to share with you that have some application for us today.

First, God desires to deliver His people from bondage (Ex. 3:7-9). God saw the oppression of Israel in Egypt and heard their cries, and He moved to rescue them. Today, God also sees the people caught in the bondage of sin and oppressed by the lies and deceptions of our enemy, Satan.

Second, God chooses to work with man (Ex. 3:10). In Exodus, God chose to work with Moses to set His people free. Today, He invites us to intercede on behalf of those who are in bondage.

Third, Moses was the mediator chosen to stand on behalf of God before Pharoah (Ex. 7:1-2). When God said that Moses would be like God to Pharaoh, He was saying that Moses was His mouthpiece to speak His words and was given His authority and power to carry out His will. We too are God’s mediators chosen to stand on His behalf and given His authority to fulfill His purpose.

Fourth, Moses did nothing of his own initiative. He simply heard God’s directions and did what he was told to do, and it was through Moses’ obedience that God’s power was released, and the Israelites delivered (Ex. 7:6).

As I meditated on these observations, I realized that Moses provides a perfect example of intercession which would help us in our prayer time.  I don’t know about you, but often when I am praying for someone, my prayers sound either like begging or pleading with God to do something or directing God to do what I think should be done for them. Either way, I seldom see the power of God moving or my prayers answered.

If that describes you, too, I think it would be beneficial to follow Moses’ pattern. Realize that God has invited us to work with Him to bring deliverance to our family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers who are bound by sin and oppressed by the devil. Understand that we are His mediators, and He has given us His authority and power to carry out His will. But we also must recognize that our task, as mediators, is to listen for His guidance, to speak His words as we pray, and to do what He instructs us to do.  If we do this, just as Moses did, our obedience will release the power of God to move and bring the deliverance for those for whom we are praying.

Live Out Your Love

In Matthew 22:34-40, one of the Pharisees, an expert in the law, tested Jesus by asking Him what the greatest commandment was in all the Law. Jesus responded by quoting Deut. 6:5 which says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Jesus then added Leviticus 19:18, “Love your neighbor as yourself” as the second greatest commandment stating that these two commandments form the foundation for all the Law and the Prophets.

Jesus did not randomly select these verses. The passage in Deuteronomy 6:4-5 is one that every Jew would have memorized from early childhood. It is called the Shema and is an important prayer Jewish people would have prayed every morning and every evening: and still do. The prayer begins with “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.” (Deut. 6:4). The first word Hear is the Hebrew word Shema from which the prayer gets its name. However, Shema means more than taking in sound through our ears. It includes the idea of acting upon what is heard. Therefore, God was not just telling Israel to listen and pay attention. He was telling them to act upon what they hear and obey His words. He was telling them to be doers of His word and not hearers only (James 1:22).

This is also true of many Hebrew verbs: they are not merely mental activities but encompass action as well. For example, when the Bible tells us to believe or have faith in God, it means more than mentally acknowledging certain facts or information about God. It includes believing in God enough that we are willing to put our faith into action and obey what He tells us to do as when Noah built the ark at God’s command because he believed Him.

The word love is another example. We often think of love as an emotion: having good feelings towards someone. But, although love can involve our emotions, it is better to see it as an act of kindness. We love someone when we do loving things for them. Therefore, when God commands us to love our enemies, He is not telling us to develop an emotional attraction for them. Instead, He is telling us to do acts of love for them even if we don’t feel loving towards them. We’ll discuss this more later.

The next key word in the prayer is the word Echad which is often used to mean “one” in the sense of singular. Therefore, the common translation of the phrase is, “The LORD our God, the LORD is one” meaning that there is only one God as compared to the many gods of the other cultures. This would, then, be a statement of belief: that we believe in only one God and He is Jehovah. However, another way the word Echad can be translated is “alone” which would change the phrase to “The LORD is our God, the LORD alone.” Lois Tverberg, in her book, Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, states that this translation is becoming widely used and that scholars believe that this is more likely the original sense of the word Echad. If this is true, then this would change the purpose of the Shema. Instead of being a command to adhere to a particular belief about monotheism, it is calling the person to pledge allegiance to God. It is a twice-daily recommitment to worship and serve God and God alone.

Following the command to hear God’s word and obey it, and to recommit ourselves to worship and serve God alone, we are commanded to love God. Remember, the word love in Hebrew involves more than emotion. After all, how can you command someone to love someone else? You can’t. Therefore, the command is not to develop loving feelings towards God but to demonstrate our love to God through the way we live. Let’s look at how this works.

First, God is commanding us to love Him with all our heart. We usually think of the heart as the seat of our emotions, which is why we view love as an emotional feeling. But in Hebrew, the word for heart (levav) also includes one’s mind and thoughts. This is why God says in verse six, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts”. This also fits with verse eight where God says, “Tie them (His commands) as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” In other words, all our thoughts and all our actions are centered on the Word of God. Therefore, we demonstrate our love for God by constantly meditating on His word and using it to guide our actions by “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. (2 Cor. 10:5)

Next, we are to love God with all our soul. The word for soul is Nephesh which means life or being, the part of us that exists while we have breath. Tverberg states that “the Jewish interpretation of this line is that you are to love the Lord with all of your life, meaning with every moment throughout your life” (2012, 48). Therefore, we demonstrate our love for God by giving Him every moment of our life as long as we have breath, and not just a few moments a week or when it is convenient.

 Finally, we are commanded to love God with all our strength. The word used here is Meod, and has nothing to do with power, might, or strength. The word means muchness, abundance, or very. According to the Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon, it expresses the idea of magnitude or degree. It is a common adverb used to intensify adjectives such as when someone says they are very well. It is the word used in Gen. 1:31 when God says that His creation is “very good”.

So, how does this apply to loving God? Randall Buth, a Hebrew scholar, reads this phrase as saying that we are to love God with all our oomph (Tverberg 2012, 51)! In other words, we demonstrate our love for God by loving Him heartily, earnestly, with much zeal, with every fiber of our being, and with everything we’ve got! Maybe as David did when he brought the ark into Jerusalem and he “danced with all his might before the LORD” (2 Sam. 6:14).

In summary, when God commands us to love Him, He is not commanding us to have warm, fuzzy feelings towards Him. He is commanding us to demonstrate our love to Him by hearing His words and obeying them, by committing our lives to Him and Him alone, by bringing all our thoughts and actions into submission to His word, by worshipping and serving Him as long as we have breath, and by serving Him heartily and zealously. In other words, if we love Him, we will obey His commandments (John 14:15).

Based on the Shema in Deut. 6:4-5, I’ve put together my version of the prayer. LORD, I hear Your words and I will obey them. I recognize that You are the LORD, and I commit myself to You alone. I will demonstrate my love to You by submitting my thoughts, my will, and my actions to Your will. I will love You by dedicating every part of my life to You as long as I have breath. And I will love you heartily: with all my “oomph!”

Tverberg, Lois. 2012. Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewish Words of Jesus Can Change Your Life. Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

Sharpen Your Blade

The book of Hebrews was possibly written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem when Nero was persecuting the Christians. Because of the persecution, some Jewish converts were tempted to revert to Judaism, therefore, the book’s author (possibly Barnabas or Apollos) wrote to encourage the Jewish believers to remain strong in their faith in Christ.

Throughout the book, the author emphasizes the superiority of Christ to the ancient prophets, angels, Moses, as well as the priests and Old Testament sacrifices. He added that Christ was the full and final revelation of God and that all the Old Testament prophecies and promises were fulfilled in Him. Therefore, the author warns them that there is no returning to the previous Old Testament sacrificial system for the atonement of sins since it had been superseded by the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.

During his discussion on the priesthood of Jesus Christ, the author makes an interesting statement at the end of chapter five. He states that there was much more he wanted to say about this, but he couldn’t because they would not understand it. He said that they were “dull of hearing” (Heb. 5:11 ESV). The word dull means lazy, sluggish, or listless. Other translations say, “because you no longer try to understand” (NIV), or “you are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen” (NLT). In other words, they were not putting forth much effort to grow spiritually or learn to discern the voice of God.

 Consequently, when they should be mentoring others, they themselves were still children requiring spiritual milk (Heb. 5:12) and were unskilled, i.e., without experience, or ignorant in discerning the word of God (Heb. 5:13). The author adds that a mature believer can distinguish between good and evil because they have trained themselves by constant use of the Word of God (Heb. 5:14). They make it a habit of listening to the voice of God and putting His Word into practice in their lives.

The picture that comes to my mind as a way of illustrating the two is a child playing with a dull wooden sword compared to a skilled soldier welding a sharp saber. The child will wildly flail the sword around as if he knew what he was doing, but even if he should strike a blow, it would do little harm because the blade is dull. He is unskilled and ineffective. The soldier, on the other hand, has trained himself by constantly practicing the fine art of swordsmanship until he is able to wield the sword skillfully. Also, he has taken the time to sharpen his blade so he can easily wound his opponent. He is skilled and effective because of his constant training and use. The question we each need to ask ourselves then is “Which one am I?” You see, learning to discern good from evil, learning to hear God’s voice clearly, and growing spiritually in the things of God does not happen automatically. We cannot allow ourselves to be lazy, but we must discipline ourselves and develop spiritual habits that will train us to use our “swords” (the Word of God) effectively. I would suggest the following: 1) Develop a daily habit to read the Word of God. But don’t just read it. Get into the habit of asking God to speak to you through the passage you are reading. Listen for His voice and write down in a notebook what He is revealing to you. 2) Then, put what God said to you into practice right away. This is how we “sharpen our blade”. Learning how to pray, prophecy, and be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit requires practice so ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength to do what the Lord is directing you to do. And 3) Teach others. The author of Hebrews chastised the believers because they were not spiritually mature yet to mentor someone else. This is what we all should be doing (Matt. 28:19-20) however, few of us are obeying that commandment. I would encourage you to ask God to show you someone whom you can help as they learn to develop their own spiritual habits and become skilled soldiers with sharpened blades.

A New Look at the Sermon on the Mount

In the past, my understanding of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 has been that it was a compilation of sayings or nuggets of wisdom much like the Proverbs. However, when I recently read through the sermon again, I noticed three themes that laid a foundation for Jesus’ message.

However, before we look at the sermon itself, let’s back up a couple of chapters to look at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. From Matthew 3:13 to 4:11, Jesus starts preparing for His ministry. He is baptized by John and is anointed by the Holy Spirit (3:13-17). After this, He is led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness and fasts for forty days and nights. Following this time of fasting, Satan tempts Him three times, but Jesus overcomes the temptation by remaining faithful to God (4:1-11). Jesus then begins His ministry by preaching the Kingdom of God (4:17) and demonstrating the power of the Kingdom by healing the sick and casting out demons (4:23-25). Immediately large crowds from the entire region began to follow Him, and when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and began to teach them thus bringing us to the Sermon on the Mount.

As I mentioned above, I saw that Jesus’ sermon can be divided into three themes. The first one is found in chapter five. He begins His message by discussing attitudes that people of the Kingdom of God should have. He says that people should consider themselves blessed if they are poor in spirit, meek, merciful, and hungry for righteousness. He even says they should feel blessed if they are persecuted. He then talks about us being the light of the world and the salt of the earth, and having a righteousness that exceeds that of the Pharisees. From here He discusses certain topics such as murder, divorce, and adultery. In each of the topics, He begins by saying “You have heard that it was said…,” and describes the common teaching on that topic. He then adds, “But I tell you…,” and presents a higher standard for each subject mentioned. I imagine the people hearing this sermon were confused because everything He was saying went contrary to human nature and the teachings of their culture.

The key verse which sums up this entire chapter is found at the end in verse forty-eight: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”. The word translated perfect means complete, mature, and lacking nothing. When Jesus was baptized by John, He was anointed by the Holy Spirit to reveal the character of God, proclaim the message of the Kingdom, and demonstrate the Kingdom’s power. Everything He said and did went contrary to the culture which amazed the people and upset the leadership. In the same way, we are to be so filled with the Spirit of God that we can also demonstrate the nature and character of God to the world. We are not to follow the world’s standard but instead, we are to live by the higher standard of the Kingdom. We are to be the influencers—the salt of the earth and the light of the world that attracts people to God just as Jesus had been doing.

Chapter six presents the second theme. Jesus teaches that we are not to seek attention or earthly praise when we help the poor or in our times of prayer and fasting. Our focus should not be on building up rewards or accolades here on earth. Instead, our emphasis should be on humbly building the Kingdom of God. Jesus adds that our concern should not be on how much wealth we can accumulate in this world, but on storing up “treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20). The key verse in this chapter is verse thirty-three: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (NIV). The principle Jesus presents here also goes against the world’s thinking. He is submitting the idea that we should develop such a passion for the Kingdom of God that the wealth, fame, or treasures this world has to offer are not important to us. He is also advocating that when we put His Kingdom first, we can have the confidence that He will provide for all our needs.

Jesus demonstrated this principle when He faced Satan’s temptation. He was faithful to God and so dedicated to fulfilling the work of the Kingdom that the worldly enticements Satan presented to Him had no effect. The Kingdom of God was first and foremost in His heart, demonstrate and He knew His Father would provide for all He needed (see Matt. 4:1-4).

The third principle is found in Matt. 7:24-27. Here, Jesus is teaching how important it is to build our life upon the Word of God. Throughout this chapter, He talks about making sure our life is in line with God’s Word before we start pointing out the faults of others (7:1-5). He reminds us that we fulfill the Law when we treat others with love and respect (7:12). He also warns us that just saying that we are a follower of Jesus is not enough. We must show it by obeying His Word and demonstrating godly character (7:15-23). It is only when we are committed to the Word of God in our life that will we be able to share the Word with wisdom and power and be able to see the power of God work through us through signs and miracles as Jesus did (Matt. 4:17,23-25). In summary, when Jesus began His ministry, He was anointed by the Holy Spirit and empowered to reveal God and the life of the Kingdom to the world. He was committed to the Father and the work of the Kingdom so that Satan was not able to distract Him with the attractions of the world. And the Word of God was the foundation of all He did (Matt. 5:17-18). These principles are what Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount, and are principles that we, as people of the Kingdom, should be incorporating into our lives. We should make the Word of God the foundation of our life, develop a passion for the Kingdom that overshadows any allurements of the world, and be so filled with the Spirit of God that we live by a standard that is higher than and contrary to the culture of the world. If we do this, we can become the salt of the earth and the light of the world that will draw people to Jesus.

The Shadow of His Wings

In the last post, I discussed the story of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was instantly healed after hemorrhaging for twelve years (Matt. 9:19-21; Mark 5:24-34; Luke 8:40-48).

I mentioned that she didn’t just touch any part of the garment, but she touched the hem of his garment. The significance of the hem brings us back to the Old Testament where, according to Numbers 15:37-41, the men of Israel were required to put tassels on the corners of their garments. These tassels represented the commandments of God and were to be visible to remind them to obey all the commandments and be holy.

I also discussed that the Hebrew word for corner in Numbers 15:38 is kanaph which means edge or wing. It is the same word used in Malachi 4:2, “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings”. It is possible that this woman, who had been suffering these twelve years, knew these passages and understood them to mean that when the Messiah comes, He will come with healing in His wings—corners or edges of His garments. She may have felt that if she could reach out and touch the tassels (lay hold of God’s Word) that were tied to the hem (wings) of His garment she could receive the promised healing (Mark 5:28).

Since doing this study, I have done more research on how the Hebrew word kanaph was used in connection with wings. In Exodus 19:4, God mentioned that He carried Israel out of Egypt on eagles’ wings and brought them to Himself. Deuteronomy 32:11 says that God, like an eagle, spread His wings to catch Israel and carry them. The context refers to God guiding, instructing, and guarding Israel through the wilderness. There are also several Psalms that talk about hiding or seeking refuge in the shadow of His wings (Ps. 17:8; 36:7; 57:1; and 61:4). Then, Psalm 63:7 says that, because God is our help, we can sing for joy in the shadow of His wings.

Therefore, since the word translated wing in these verses can also mean corner, is it not possible that God’s wings are a metaphor for the corner of His garment upon which the tassels (His Word) are connected? If so, then could we not legitimately insert God’s Word for the word wing in these verses as we apply it to our lives? It is through God’s Word that we are delivered from bondage and brought to a knowledge of Him. God’s Word guides, instructs, and guards us from our enemies when we travel through “desert places”. And it is only as we submit to and take hold of His Word can we find refuge and experience joy when we face hardship and danger. To seek refuge in the shadow of His wings simply means that we are coming under the covering of the Word of God.

Not long ago, I received a beautiful prayer shawl for Christmas. On the four corners of that shawl are long tassels which, as we know through our study, represent the Word of God. I often use that prayer shawl during my private times of prayer as a physical reminder of what I am doing spiritually. When I am ready to go to prayer, I place the shawl over my shoulders and then lift it over my head so that I am covered. I will then take hold of the tassels on the corners of the shawl. Doing this is a symbolic act of submitting myself to the Word of God. I am seeking refuge under the shadow of His wings and committing my life and my prayers to line up with His Word.

You do not need to have a prayer shawl when you pray, but I would encourage you to find some way to remind yourself to daily submit your life to God’s Word. This is so important because we can only experience a deeper knowledge of God, deliverance, instruction, healing, or joy when we are covered by the Word of God: when we find refuge under the shadow of His wings.